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My favourite part of the show was Jeff using the juicy couture coup d'etat. Okay, let's be honest, I just enjoyed anything to do with Jeff! I really loved Kevin's diary room comments, they were hilarious. I was kind of sad that he didn't make it to final 2 but I know if he had, he probably would have won. I didn't want Gnat to get any money but it really was Jordan's best move. I was a Jordan fan all along and was thrilled to see her win. I agree that she really came through in the end when it mattered the most (although I wasn't sure she was going to!) and for that, kudos Jordan.First of all, wow gold was absolutely floored that Jordan won the final HOH. For that alone, I suppose she deserved to win over the other two left in the house. But, I'm sorry, I can't help myself from saying this. When the camera panned on her all season and she wasn't speaking with anyone, she had the most vacant look on her face. If you look up the expression "the lights are on, but no one is home", you will see a picture of Jordan. Anyhow, props to her.

Wondering if you've ever experienced this: We thought the bees had been particularly busy and were all set to add a second honey super on one hive. Went in to look at the ed hardy belts first and were shocked to see that all the cells that should have been loaded with honey had larvae in them! We must have trapped the queen in above the excluder some how. We can't figure out how she got up there otherwise. We're not looking at drone cells either. So technically there are now three hive bodies on one hive. We plan to remove the unintended hive body (the honey super) in the fall and start over. Cannot figure out how this happened. We will place a honey super on top though--have moved the excluder, brushed off all bees before doing so.I've always had Italian bees up until this year, when I got my first hive of Carniolans, and so I was worried that the Carnies were simply more aggressive. On a recent trip up to the Wallingford Farmer's Market, I chatted with Karen Bean of Brookfield Farm about it, though, and she suggested that they might just be thirsty. It has been unusually hot these past few weeks, and we cleared out a bunch of old pots that had been collecting water for years and that the bees had probably been using as water source.

It’s a stand-alone, book-length prequel to the wow power leveling upcoming movie, written by me and illustrated by six terrific artists — Bernard Chang, Tommy Lee Edwards, Tom Fowler, Niko Henrichon, David Lopez, and Cameron Stewart, plus a cover by Todd McFarlane — and if you’re wondering why one story has six different illustrators, well, that was part of the challenge and fun of writing it.Kotaku has a nice review (one that also includes the great news that the next volume in the Dungeon series, by two of my favorite French comics creators, Lewis Trondheim and Joann Sfar, is now available in English). louis vuitton shoes post more later about writing the book, and how it relates to the movie and the original 1989 side-scrolling video game. In the meantime, I hope Prince of Persia fans and graphic novel aficionados will check it

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